Weight Loss With Thermogenics

Bev Dunne

I’ve written recently about the benefits of detoxing. Often, when we undertake a detox, we may find we lose a few kilos. For some however, they need some extra assistance when it comes to weight loss and for some years, many have supplemented with Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss.

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Parasites- Your Unwelcome Guests

Bev Dunne

I’ve been writing recently about undertaking a detox at this time of the year to get our health back on track. Sometimes, it’s also worthwhile thinking about incorporating a parasite cleanse with your detox.

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Complete Bowel Food For Treatment Of Constipation and I.B.S

Bev Dunne

Problems with constipation and bowel elimination are extremely common. This can often be because of poor eating habits however it can also be caused by food intolerances, an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the bowel, stress and sometimes dehydration.

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Detoxing - A Great Way To Kickstart Your Health

Bev Dunne

I often suggest a great way to kickstart our plan for good health is to look at a sensible detox programme. A detox should be a very sensible eating plan used in conjunction with a good detox supplement to help detox our body.

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Gout- Treatment And Prevention After Christmas Overindulgences

Bev Dunne

Gout is a painful disease which can affect anyone although is most common in men, especially older men. Quite often after the overindulgences of the holiday season we notice an increase in customers asking for advice on treatment and prevention of gout.

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Supercharged Protein Smoothies

Bev Dunne

This Month 50% off Skinny Mocktail Powders

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Avoiding The Dreaded Mozzie Bites

Bev Dunne

With all the concerns about the various viruses etc carried by mosquitoes, and with recent rains bringing an influx of mozzies, it is a good time to remind customers of why we may attract mosquitoes and how we best deter them. What I’ve always found fascinating is why mozzies find some of us more attractive than others. There is belief mosquitoes are attracted by the amount of carbon dioxide in our breath, our body temperature, odorant markers related to our blood type, alcohol and pregnancy.

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Restore Your Gut Health After The Festive Season

Bev Dunne
So, the festive season has passed, many are now back at work or getting on with their lives and unfortunately for many of us, it means dealing with the consequences of those over indulgences over the silly season. The increased consumption of alcohol, together with many of us eating more high sugar, high fat foods may mean we may need to deal with the fall out, meaning often gut and bowel health problems.

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Kickstart Your Health In 2025 With A Greens Supplement

Bev Dunne
Okay we’ve overindulged over the festive season, in fact we may still be overindulging, however maybe now it’s time to slowly get back on track with healthy eating. I think a great way to kickstart some healthy habits is to begin with introducing a greens supplement into our diet.

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Care For Your Liver Over The Festive Season

Bev Dunne
Our liver is also responsible for metabolising our fats, by producing bile, which then breaks down fats. By overburdening our liver, it’s obvious we are more prone to weight gain which is why we often suggest a liver tonic for those wishing to lose weight. An overburdened liver can also make us feel bloated and very sluggish.

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