Turmeric's Many Health Benefits

Turmeric's Many Health Benefits

Bev Dunne

Turmeric also known as Curcumin has in recent times captured the attention of Western scientists and herbalists for its medicinal benefits. Last week I wrote about the benefits of Turmeric and particularly a combination of Fermented Turmeric, Ginger and Black Pepper for treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This herb has been used in India in their traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and of course has been used traditionally as a spice in Indian cooking. The oil in Turmeric is an important anti-inflammatory, however even more potent is the compound in this oil, known as curcumin. As well as the anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin also contains antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties.

When we think of the therapeutic benefits of Turmeric, I’m sure most of us will automatically think of Arthritis. There are however many therapeutic benefits of curcumin. As well as Arthritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome we have found Curcumin may be helpful for –

Heart Health – There are many reasons why we suffer from heart disease, however endothelial malfunction may contribute majorly to heart disease. This occurs when our endothelium, which is the lining of our blood vessels, doesn’t retain the ability to control our blood pressure or blood clotting. It is thought curcumin may be beneficial because of its ability to enhance the performance of our endothelium.

Curcumin may also inhibit the oxidisation of cholesterol in our body. Oxidised cholesterol can cause harm to the blood vessels and build-up plaque which can then cause a heart attack or stroke. Obviously avoiding new cholesterol oxidisation may help to avoid this problem.

Cancer – There is ongoing research into curcumin’s anti-cancer benefits indicating there may be some benefits from taking curcumin. There has been some indication it may destroy certain cancer cells – this could be due to its antioxidant properties or some other anti-cancer action.

Alzheimer’s Disease

It’s been believed for sometime that oxidative damage and inflammation may be a major contributor to Alzheimer’s disease.  Since curcumin is both high in antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory it is thought curcumin may be helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Because there are indications curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, it may also be helpful in treatment of this disease.

Liver Function

Because curcumin is so high in antioxidants there is a belief curcumin may prevent our liver from being damaged by toxins. It may well be beneficial for those taking pharmaceutical drugs long term which may damage the liver.

Sinus – Once again, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin may effectively reduce swelling in sinus cavities. Curcumin may improve nasal airflow.

As I wrote last week, Curcumin or Turmeric, is available in capsule form. It is also available in a liquid which is a fermented formula containing turmeric, ginger, and black pepper. This fermentation process is an age-old process which intensifies the good probiotic bacteria, enabling better digestion and better absorption of the curcumin, ginger, and black pepper. This formula is especially beneficial if our digestion is compromised.

For further information on Turmeric or any health problem, call to see Bev and the girls at Go Vita, Your Health Shop, at 5 North St, Batemans Bay, or phone 44729737.