Osteoporosis Linked To Overacidity
Recently I’ve been writing about the effects of an over acidic body causing arthritic pain and inflammation as well as digestive problems. As a follow on, this week I will expand on the concerns of high levels of acid in the body leading to osteoporosis.
As I mentioned recently, when we eat these acidifying foods and particularly processed foods instead of fruits and vegetables our bodies become over acidic. Our bodies are always working hard to maintain the right acid/alkaline balance. It is believed when our body becomes over acidic, one mechanism for correcting this excess of acidity, is for our body to dissolve some of our bone which in turn releases acid-neutralizing minerals such as potassium and calcium to form bicarbonates in the bloodstream. Potassium bicarbonates act as an acid sponge to neutralise the acids in the body.
Our bodies are very clever. To compensate for us not taking responsibility for our health i.e., eating the right alkalising foods and to counter the potential destruction caused by an over acidic body, our body will leach calcium from our bones to neutralize the acids. The downside is, because our bodies have decided to take this responsibility, we may end up with osteoporosis!
So, do we really have a choice here? By eating acidifying foods, we will force our bones to act as a large antacid tablet and dissolve our bones or we can simply eat more of the alkalising foods which will naturally balance the acids and leave our skeleton intact and strong. Not a difficult choice to make I would think especially considering osteoporosis is more common than high cholesterol, allergies or even the common cold! In fact, research shows over half of all Australian women over 60 and one-third of men over 60 will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis.
Of course, it is often difficult to change our eating and drinking habits. However, the more research I do on maintaining the correct acid/alkaline balance the more I am convinced this is one of the keys to good health. Obviously eating the right foods is important however for those wanting to find an easier way I suggest at least drinking alkalising greens such as barely grass powder in juice.
I also wrote recently about the therapeutic benefits of collagen hydrolysate gelatin. Not only can hydrolysed collagen gelatin be beneficial for joint and gut care, but it can also be beneficial for our bone health especially in increasing bone density by stimulating osteoblast activity. It is believed including collagen hydrolysate gelatin powder in our diet may enhance the effectiveness of other bone building nutrients plus complement other essential proteins and amino acids which will safeguard our bones. In fact, collagen is the cement which holds our bones together.
For the best results, it therefore stands to reason, it would be highly beneficial to include - hydrolysate gelatin powder in our juice containing our alkalising greens.
If you wish to check your acid/alkaline levels call in to collect your FREE TEST KIT and acid/alkaline food chart from our store. For more information on this subject call in to see Bev and the team at the store phone on 44729737. Don’t forget to tune in to Bev on 2EC every Wednesday at 12.45 pm.