Flaxseed: The Essential Seed For Good Health
Flaxseeds also commonly known as linseeds, are an amazing seed. The seeds and oil of the flax plant provide a great source of Omega 6 and 3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s). For optimum health our body requires the right ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6 fatty acids. Whilst most people usually have more than enough Omega 6 in their diet, they are frequently low in Omega 3. Flaxseed oil contains the ideal ratio of these essential fatty acids with approximately 60% Omega 3.
A combination of ground flaxseeds with psyllium husks taken daily is also a great way to assist with constipation. Because they are both high in soluble fibre, the ground flaxseeds and psyllium can help with diverticular disorders. We would suggest adding a tablespoon of each to your cereal or blend in a drink. Slippery elm is another powder which may also be added to this mix.
Flaxseeds and ground flaxseeds may be sprinkled over our breakfast cereal or blended in smoothies. They can also be included in cakes, breads, pancakes - the Flaxseed oil once again can be blended in smoothies or mixed with lemon juice and used in a salad dressing.
If you prefer, flaxseed oil can be taken in a capsule.
Ingredients: ¼ cup Natural Road Linseed (Flaxseed) Meal; 1¼ cup Organic Road Wholemeal Plain Flour (or Well & Good Gluten-free Plain Flour), 2 tsp Lotus Gluten free Baking Powder; ¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda; 1 cup Milklab Almond Milk; 1 tbsp Cleopatra Organic Apple Cider Vinegar; 2 tbsp Organic Road Maple Syrup.
Method: Combine flour, linseed meal, baking powder, and bi carb soda. Add milk, apple cider vinegar and maple syrup, mixing well. Allow batter to sit for 5 minutes, until flaxseeds absorb the excess liquid. Heat oil in frypan, then spoon a small amount mixture into the pan. Flip the pancake, cooking both sides until crispy.
Serve with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, or your favourite fruits. Top with yoghurt, chopped nuts and drizzle with maple syrup.
Ingredients: 3 mashed bananas; 1/3 cup Absolut Organic Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil; 1 tsp vanilla extract, ¼ cup Organic Road Maple Syrup, ¼ cup plain yoghurt, ½ tsp Go Vita Organic Ground Cinnamon; 1 tsp bicarb soda; 1 ¼ cup Organic Road Wholemeal Plain Flour (or Well & Good Plain Gluten Free Flour) ¼ cup Natural Road Linseed (Flaxseed) Meal; ¾ cup Go Vita Apple Juice Dried Cranberries.
Method: Preheat oven to 425F or 220C. Grease muffin pan. Mix mashed bananas, oil, maple syrup, eggs, vanilla and yoghurt. Add cinnamon and bicarb soda, flour, and flaxseed meal. Add in dried cranberries. Spoon into muffin pan and bake for approx. 15 minutes.