Detoxing - A Great Way To Kickstart Your Health
So, we’re rolling into February and how many of us have already forgotten about our New Year’s resolutions? For many the New Year is a time when we decide to start looking after our health. I think February is a great time to kickstart our plan for good health. The kids are back settled into school, the visitors have usually gone and really there is no excuse. I often suggest a great way to kickstart our plan for good health is to look at a sensible detox programme. A detox should be a very sensible eating plan used in conjunction with a good detox supplement to help detox our body.
There are many programmes available and one of the more popular is a tasty berry detox powder which tastes great! and is easy to incorporate into our daily eating programme. It can be added to water, our favourite protein shake or even our greens powder. Over the past few years, I’ve found many customers have been reluctant to take lots of tablets which is often the case with detox programmes. I’m sure this is why this tasty powder is such a hit.
This is a gentle naturopathic formula containing Vitamins B2 and C, Selenium and Zinc to help protect our cells from free radicals. It has extra B vitamins, such as B6 and B12, to help with fatigue, plus five amino acids (glutamine, glycine, methionine, cysteine and taurine). There are superfruit berries such as blackcurrant, passionfruit, lemon, blueberry and pomegranate, as well as beetroot. There are also herbs such as rosemary, Schisandra, artichoke, echinacea, acerola cherry, barberry, milk thistle, turmeric, green tea, ginger and black pepper.
Adding a good bowel formula, I believe can also be helpful when undertaking a detox. Something gentle like Motion Potion which is a bowel tonic, not a laxative, would be great to add to this formula. Once again, it’s a powder so can easily be added to your berry powder.
If you aren’t keen on taking powders, another option is to try a new formula which we now stock which comes in a capsule and contains Milk Thistle to assist in detoxifying our liver, Fennel Seed which helps with abdominal bloating and pain plus Papain which can aid with digestion.
Alternatively, some prefer to try a detox kit which contains a range of supplements to address liver, digestion, bowel and blood sugar. These kits help with liver cleansing, metabolism of fats, sugar cravings, constipation and general digestion.
Many customers prefer to book in to see our Naturopath or Nutritionist in our clinic so that a detox program can be tailored to their individual needs. Often it just becomes too hard to manage many of these health programs by ourselves, and I often say, the $65 that it costs to see one of our practitioners for an hour, is often one of the best investments you can make for your health.
Don’t wait until you become ill before you do something about nurturing your body. Take time out to give those poor organs a rest – fine-tune your body instead of your car for a change.
For more information on detoxing call down to see the girls at Go Vita your health shop in North St, Batemans Bay or phone 0244729737. Don’t forget to tune into Bev every Wednesday at 12.45 pm on 2EC.