Calming Herbs For Stress and Anxiety
Over the years I’ve often written about the effects of stress and anxiety on our bodies.
We know during our lives we are going to face times of stress, some more extreme than others. There is no doubt our community has been through a lot over the past 20 months which has meant many of us are now struggling. Living in such uncertain times can be very debilitating and stressful and the symptoms of this stress can evolve in many ways. No doubt what we have experienced will affect each of us differently. Some of these symptoms may include insomnia, teariness, shallow and sometimes rapid breathing, muscle tension, headaches, reduced appetite and sometimes an overwhelming feeling of loss of control.
One of my ‘go to’ formulas to help ease these symptoms is a homoeopathic formula I have taken on and off over the years when I’ve not been coping well. One of the ingredients is passiflora and because it’s homoeopathic I find it works immediately and just gives me a feeling of calm when I’ve felt overwhelmed and on the cusp of not coping. I’ve in fact given this formula to many customers over the past 20 months with very positive feedback. In fact, some have taken the time to call me and thank me as they’ve also found the formula extremely beneficial.
I’m sure there are many children who have been adversely affected by the events of the past 20 months and the good news is, this formula is safe for children.
I’m also extremely mindful of the long-term effects of this stress many of us are coping with. Whilst this homoeopathic formula I’m suggesting is great because it works immediately, I also suggest taking herbs to help maintain our adrenals and our nervous system.
I’ve often written about the herbs Withania and Rhodiola when it comes to treating stress and anxiety. This is with good reason. Withania (Indian Ginseng) is believed to be helpful in relieving stress as well as increasing our energy and endurance whilst under stress. One of the reasons I like Withania is that it’s an adaptogen herb. This is important because it means it’s able to adjust to both psychological as well as physiological stress which is far more beneficial when preventing or treating stress. It’s also thought to be effective in calming the nervous system, treating anxiety, and as well helping to lessen nervous exhaustion. Rhodiola is great because it’s also an adaptogen herb which allows our body to manage our stress in a more effective way. Whilst it’s thought to be beneficial in strengthening the nervous system it’s also believed to be helpful in treating mild depression, improving energy levels and sexual function plus improving memory and concentration. It’s thought to help with anxiety and panic attacks, and it’s also believed Rhodiola increases brain serotonin by up to 30% and is beneficial for improvement of mood and lowering of stress levels.
If you’re having problems with sleeping which often goes hand in hand with stress, I suggest looking at my favourite formula containing passiflora, hops and sour cherry. Or if you like, just take the sour cherry juice to not only help with insomnia but help your joint pain.
If you wish to know more about treating or preventing stress and anxiety, call in to see Bev and the team at Go Vita, Your Health Shop at 5 North St in Batemans Bay or phone on 44729737. Don’t forget to tune in to Bev on 2EC every Wednesday at 12.30pm on Go Get Healthy.