Anti-Inflammatory Benefits Found by NASA Research
There has been much written about green lipped mussel, as a treatment for arthritis and joint pain. Interestingly, when I first joined the natural healthcare industry 29 years ago, green lipped mussel was one of the few supplements available for treatment of arthritis and joint pain. Over the years, other products have come onto the market, with this product being almost forgotten however we still have customers who find green lipped mussel is the only supplement which helps their pain and arthritis.
Fascinatingly, it appears the benefits of green lipped mussel were first discovered about 40 years ago when NASA researchers found green lipped mussel contained high anti-inflammatory compounds, when looking for the possible health advantages from some seafoods for astronauts in space. These mussels were only found on the cold shores of New Zealand. It appears green lipped mussels were for many years a most important part of the local diet and surprise, surprise – the rate of arthritis and rheumatic ailments was very low among New Zealand coastal dwellers compared to their inland counterparts.
Whilst most remedies will only work on either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, it is believed green lipped mussel may be effective for both forms of arthritis. Because the green lipped mussel acts as an anti inflammatory, it us thought to assist in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
Athletes may also find recovery from injuries may be assisted by taking green lipped mussel. It may also assist in recovery from surgery to joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Those suffering from general musculoskeletal aches and pains such as back and neck aches may find this product beneficial.
NZ green lipped mussel is believed to contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds which may inhibit the swelling caused by increased white blood cell accumulation at the site of damage, and which also prevents the promotion of pro-inflammatory substances. A large range of fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein compounds and minerals which when combined, manage to create anti-inflammatory and pain relieving benefits to the joints and at the same time support the body in repairing damaged joint cartilage.
It is generally suggested green lipped mussel contains the essential factors to assist in joint, tendon and ligament health, as well as mobility and flexibility. Benefits usually occur 4 to 8 weeks after starting green lipped mussel. This product is obviously not recommended to sufferers of seafood allergies. Gout suffers should also avoid this product as well as people taking warfarin.
So there we are, a simple little shellfish found in the pristine waters of New Zealand may well be the answer to your aches and pains.
For more information on green lipped mussel or any other health issue call to see Bev and the team at Go Vita, Your Health Shop at 5 North St, Batemans Bay or phone on 02 44729737.